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Kakabhushundi: the Wise crow


 Kakabhushundi Meaning: Intelligent crow

Kakabhushundi is a crow who is known for his wisdom and wit. He is a devotee of Rama, and he often narrates the story of the Ramayana to Garuda, the king of birds. Kakabhushundi is also a trickster, and he often uses his wisdom to get out of difficult situations.

Kakabhushundi is a popular character in Hindu mythology. He is often depicted as a wise and witty crow who is a devotee of Rama. Kakabhushundi is also known for his trickery, and he often uses his wisdom to get out of difficult situations.

One of Kakabhushundi's most famous stories is about how he helped Rama and Lakshmana to defeat the demon Kabandha. Kabandha was a powerful demon who was terrorizing the people of the forest. Rama and Lakshmana were determined to defeat Kabandha, but they knew that they would need help. They went to Kakabhushundi for advice, and Kakabhushundi told them that the only way to defeat Kabandha was to trick him.

Kakabhushundi devised a plan. He told Rama and Lakshmana to hide in a cave, and he would lure Kabandha to them. Kakabhushundi flew to Kabandha's cave and told him that he had found a delicious meal. Kabandha was eager to eat, so he followed Kakabhushundi to the cave where Rama and Lakshmana were hiding.

When Kabandha entered the cave, Rama and Lakshmana attacked him. They were able to defeat Kabandha and save the people of the forest. Kakabhushundi was hailed as a hero, and he was rewarded by Rama with a boon. Kakabhushundi asked for the boon of being able to remember everything he had ever learned. Rama granted Kakabhushundi's boon, and Kakabhushundi became known as the wisest crow in the world.

Kakabhushundi is a popular figure in Hinduism, and he is often depicted in art and literature. He is a reminder that even the smallest creatures can be wise and resourceful. Kakabhushundi's story also teaches us that trickery can sometimes be used for good.


Kakabhushundi is a complex and fascinating character. He is wise, witty, and resourceful, but he is also mischievous and sometimes even greedy. Kakabhushundi is a reminder that even the smallest creatures can be wise and resourceful. His story also teaches us that trickery can sometimes be used for good.

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